I have been dying to share these photos! This trip was definitely the “third time’s the charm” trip for wildlife sightings! On our way down from Pikes Peak (which is a total tourist trap btw!), we saw a group of big horned sheep (minus their big horns - but I’ve been assured that’s what they were!). They were so interested in the bale of hay on the side of the road (for a road race up the mountain the following weekend) that they didn’t mind that I got out of the car and took advantage of my zoom lens and snapped away. It was truly incredible!
We also saw a ton of deer on our trip, but these particular photos are from our morning at Garden of the Gods. The little fawns are so cute! I crack up every time I look at the picture of the deer with its tongue sticking out!
While up in Summit County, we saw mountain goats as we were driving, in fact they were in the middle of the road, so we naturally slowed down so as not to hit them, then we almost got hit by the car speeding behind us, then as the car swerved around us, it almost hit the goats and then swerved even more into the oncoming traffic lane and almost hit an oncoming car but safely made it to the side of the road on the opposite side before zooming off when the oncoming car was passed. People, pay attention to the ROAD! Anyway, the mountain goats were fun to see!
Finally, we saw 4 moose this trip! Seriously folks, moose are NOT nice animals. DO NOT get close to them! All of my photos were either taken from the safety of my car or with my zoom lens. Do NOT be like the silly tourists that try to get as close as possible to see the moose. They are not smart, especially when they have little kids with them. The moose could get aggravated, turn and charge. They can run a lot faster than a tourist can, so be smart and be careful. So yes, while it was really cool to see a large animal you don’t see in Pennsylvania, we also did not get very close, hence why my shots of the moose are not from ideal angles or super clear - I was staying safe friends!